It's funny. And unique. And a strange place to be. For the last few years, I have endeavored to moderate my political rantings for many reasons. And, while on some level, I will continue to do so.... this date, this time, this urgency makes my tongue hard to still.
Arizona. Sad. We are the first state to eliminate its Children's Health Insurance Program. I don't have kids, so why do I care? Well, without sounding cliche, the health of the children is directly tied to the heath of the community. End of story. We cut health care, we cut education and we somehow thing businesses will come here if we simply offer tax incentives. Silly, short sighted thinking. And, these same people are saying, do not increase revenues -- cut services. What do they think these people -- these human, United State citizens are going to do when they get sick. Stay home? Die peacefully in an alley? Really? No, these people who are in pain and suffering will forgo health care until they are really really sick and then go to the most expensive place possible to get care -- the Emergency Department. Oh, and, because of this, Emergency Department waits will get longer.
It would be interesting to compare ED waits before and after Prop 204 passed to see if expanding health coverage improved access. I don't know the answer, but might try to find out.
Federal. Can the politics get any nastier? Do we have to be so uncivilized? It's no secret that health care needs to change. Dems .... Public option doesn't fix the problem of escalating cost. Republicans ... the free market system doesn't work for healthcare and end of life support and counseling is not a death panel. It's humane and compassionate.
How did we end up in a place where an individual. A brother, sister, mother, daughter, father's health and well-being became a political football. We are talking about a human being. Their health. Their ability to breathe. Live. Contribute.
It's funky and weird that more concern is paid to and more consensus around the health of our financial system than the health of our neighbors. The uninsured -- the mythical group -- is not a stranger. It is our community. Our neighbor. Our family.
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