Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yes, Lucinda, I am alright .....

Lucinda Williams had a song that asks the listener "are you alright, I haven't seen you in a long long time.....i hope you come back someday" or something like that. Today was one of those days that my purple Nano IPod just seemed to pick the most appropriate soundtrack. Song after song, my moods and feelings were validated by the songs that shuffled to the top.

And, I took a risk today. I didn't tell it the playlist I wanted. I just hit shuffle. When Lucinda started crooning (I think that is the right word for what Lucinda does) for some reason I thought of this long neglected blog. And, yes, Lucinda, I am OK even though I took off without a word.

It's been busy. Good busy, bad busy, joyous busy, cry at the end of the day busy. Weeks passed without my recognition. This happens ..... But I try to not make it too frequent because I do not want to get to the end of my life and not know where it went.

You know, Lucinda. She is one of those performers that when you see her -- it's an emotional workout. The angst, passion and force that drives her poetry engulfs you. The way life should. You feel the good, the bad, the fun, the rowdy. It's funny... and this is a confession to Murray. I still have your Lucinda CD. I just couldn't let it go. Sorry. I guess it's outdated now (who listens to CDs), but I still pop it in at work occasionally.

Since my April assault on Liz, we had a brilliant conversation. I promised to call again soon. I still haven't. I participated in a triathalon, I took my little friend Aevri shopping for the perfect kindergarten promotion dress. I laughed a lot, cried a little. Oh, and I got a new puppy. Handsome little Porter who reminds me of Maizy. Again, this last few weeks, I laughed and played with good friends.

So, yeah, to be consistent with the musical theme .... I probably suffer from the "Happy Woman Blues" but I continue "Learning How to Live." Sometimes, if you just put the purple Nano on Shuffle, clarity comes along for the ride. As the summer goes on, I will strive to be more consistent with this blog. Not because I think you need it or are dying to read the next installment, but because Lucinda seems to get worried if I don't just in from time to time.


  1. I look forward to the Strange Days installments.

  2. i think i need to borrow your nano... i need some clarity!

  3. You gotta love shuffle mod on the iPod. Mine is green. C has the hot pink one. :)

    The days just speed by so quickly that sometimes it's just a blur, doesn't it?

    I hope you do continue to post on your blog, so that we can read it, and so that we can all look back and remember the passing days.
